
There are many GREAT reasons why:

Great Product Range with the Latest Technology

Although you will always get the best deal from us on goods we stock, you are not limited to these items as we allow you to choose just about any household goods you like and we see if we can source it at a great price for you.

Affordable Rental Rates

Our rates are among the most affordable available.

Buyout Option at Any Time

Decided you’d like to own it sooner? No problem! You can choose to buy your rental product at any time during the Agreed Rental Period. Just give us a call and we’ll work out a price for you.

No Exit Fees

If you do wish to return your goods? Just give us a call. No additional exit fees, and no hassles. All items just need to be returned in a fair and reasonable condition, and all payments due to be received just need to be accounted for. How simple is that?

Only New Goods

We do not rent out pre-owned products except under special, pre-approved circumstances. All standard Descriptions, Terms, Conditions and Rates are for new products only.

No Maintenance Costs

Hey, how about that? We service and repair all rentals absolutely FREE. (Service/repair warranty claims only.)

Streamlined Application Process

Just give us a call and you’ll see how easy it is to get started on a rental. Standard application time is approximately half an hour. We also fully comply with the responsible lending requirements of our Australian Credit Licence.

Wide Choice of Payment Methods

Most payment types accepted. You can also choose from direct debit, Periodical Payment Authorities (PPA), Credit/Debit card and cash payments. Even if you are on a government pension or other benefit.

>> Call us now to arrange a rental, or learn more about our Rental Products.

Need a rental?

Tell us what you need and we’ll get back to you asap!

Before You Begin

Before you get started you will need to make sure you have a few things ready to upload.
You will need:
Photo ID with your current address
You will be able to submit Three months Bank Statements, Centrelink Statement (if you a Centrelink payment) and your Medicare details at the end of the application electronically

Rental Application & Agreement

This is the Rental Agreement Schedule referred to in the Rent Smarte Terms and Conditions as the Rental Agreement. The Terms and Conditions of the Rental Agreement and this Schedule form the Agreement between us. This Schedule contains important information including financial information about your Rental Agreement.


Newstartronics Pty Ltd Trading As Rent Smarte, ACN 639 262 972 of 20 Lampton Avenue, Derwent Park, Tasmania, 7009 (we or lessor)

What's next

You're almost there, once you submit your application, you will be directed to the bank statement page where you can submit your bank statement, Centrelink statement (if you receive benefits) and Medicare details electronically. Your application CANNOT proceed without these.
Once you have submitted your application, we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Once approved, you will be sent a deposit payment and direct debit authority and once we have received these, your items will be shipped.